the Most of LinkedIn for Networking & Social Selling
Have you looked at your LinkedIn profile lately? Did you know that your LI
home page is like your own personal business journal?
I asked my colleague Lynne Gullo, who coaches people on how to set up their
LI profile, to provide a few tips as a refresher on how important LinkedIn
is to all business professionals.
It's important for both you as an individual and everyone in sales and
marketing who represents your company to have a complete profile.
Basic profile tips:
Profile Picture: Business-like, smiling,
current and in focus. No pets, kids, obvious selfies, stray hands on
shoulders and above all, don't use the default blank head! You don't need a
professional photographer, but make sure you are presenting yourself in a
positive light.
Your Title: LinkedIn will default to
your job title, but don't make this rookie mistake. This is a searchable
field and you want people to find you. Add three specialties to your title.
This is especially important if you have the same title as others in your
For example, don't just list your title as Account Executive at Blank
Company. I will have no idea what you do! Try Account Executive at Blank
Company specializing in whatever vertical industry or company type you're
looking for.
Summary: This is your elevator speech. How would you
enthusiastically describe what you do for a living to your friends? This is
another searchable field. Make sure you include key skills and expertise
even though you are repeating them in other parts of your profile. You can
even list your key specialties with bullet points. Your profile represents
YOU as a brand, so don't just copy your company mission statement here.
3. Your
contact information: Make sure your information is current
so your connections know how to contact you. Include your company website.
Before and after a business meeting:
1. Look
up the company page and find out any current news.
2. Look
at the upper right corner of the company page to see "How You're
Connected" to their employees.
3. Review
the profiles of the people you will be meeting with to see what you have in
4. Ask to
connect with anyone you get a business card from.
5. Follow
that company.
Your Home Page:
1. Periodically
provide an interesting update about YOU. Tell a success story, brag a
little, but don't make this a sales pitch. Share an interesting article
you've read to your LinkedIn page.
2. Read
your Home page daily and like, comment or share. Just a few minutes a day
will give you a wealth of information about your connections and industry.
3. Congratulate
your connections on their anniversaries and job changes.
LinkedIn is the
ultimate Business Directory. LI offers an unequaled and FREE way to promote
yourself, your brand and your company. Take a few minutes to make sure you
are making the most of this valuable social business platform.
53. The power of
word-of-mouth referrals.
Call us "old school," but both of us absolutely believe that this
form of advertising and promotion is the most effective. The best way to
describe word-of-mouth referrals from trusted and satisfied clients is
No matter what the profession or industry, a word-of-mouth referral usually
will get you the business. This is why our approach to writing this book is
to lay a strong foundation for you. We advocate a systematic approach to how
you render your services. We advise you to be attentive to details and to
begin to anticipate your clients' needs to better serve them. We believe it
is more important for you to take a longterm view of your profession or
industry - remember that advice about "a marathon, not a sprint."
Take the time to "get it right," don't rush out and mismanage
your initial clients and end up failing to serve them.
Think of this in terms of creating a pyramid. (No, not a pyramid scam or
Ponzi scheme!) Our pyramid begins with our first client. It might have many
peaks that represent subsequent clients as well. But our ability to build
upon these peaks depends on how well we've satisfied the clients we're
building upon. When they're totally satisfied, they usually become
exuberant in assessing our services or products. Sometimes they ask us if
we would mind them referring us to other potential clients - their friends!
Once, Tom dealt with Pat Cronin, a building contractor. Mr. Cronin, a true
craftsman, treated his clients' homes with reverence. When he finished a
remodeling job, he would review his work with the client, explaining the
thought process behind the improvement (the "why" behind the
work). When Tom reviewed the remodel work with Mr. Cronin, he was impressed
not only with the final outcome but with all the thought and care that went
into it.
As a result, Mr. Cronin worked with many of Tom's relatives and friends and
they always thanked Tom for thinking enough of them to send Pat to them!
When exceptional professionals in sales or other fields give their clients
exceptional service, the outcome can be incredible over time. Literally,
such excellence can set into motion a tidal wave of referrals and positive
goodwill for the fortunate firm that employs the "superstar"
Enough said? Take the long view and work your tail off for every client. Of
course, don't overextend and end up giving poor service to anyone. If you
can't do the work, don't sign the client, because you can imagine the
inverse of the examples above!