Summer Selling Success! Part 2
6. Customer’s Goals and Objectives:
Do you know what goals and objectives your customers have? Just think how much more effective you could be if you knew the goals of the person to whom you are selling. Find out what their personal and business goals are for the current and upcoming year by
asking questions and listening to their answers. In addition, let them know that you have set goals for yourself. Explain your belief that it is essential for you to help your customers achieve their goals in order for you to achieve your own.
7. Prospecting Timeline:
At certain times in the year, most people are working hard to make their numbers. Yet, at the same time, many have no idea how long it takes to turn a prospect into a profitable customer. Creating a “prospecting timeline” can help you to benchmark past experiences
and streamline future ones. Begin this process by examining a few recent customers, and then break down the key activities you went through. Your goal should be to determine the specific activities that were the most time consuming, and then figure out a way
to shorten the time spent on that particular step. Most people are amazed to find that a couple of activities take the majority of time. By knowing this, they can work to alter their selling process. Plan now so the upcoming year will be your best year ever!
8. Know Your Customer’s Customer:
How much do you know about your customer’s customer? It doesn’t matter if you sell B2B or B2C, the question still demands an answer. I work with too many salespeople who, when asked this question, have only a shallow answer or no clue at all.
Take the time to find out all you can about what motivates your customer’s customers. Spend time with them, talk to them, (most importantly listen to them) and get to know what drives their decision-making process. When you can identify this information, you
can then provide your customer with even better solutions.
9. Have you Learned Something New? :
There is always something new you can learn about your customers, whether they are newly acquired or long-term accounts. Use each sales call as an opportunity to hone your skills. It’s amazing how customers change! Unless you have up-to-date knowledge about
them, you will soon find they’ve changed and you haven’t. After each sales call, ask yourself what you learned about the customer and, of course, make sure you record it in your customer profile.
10. Benchmark Your Sales Goal:
At the end of each day and each week, compare your accomplishments to your overall sales goal. If you achieved the volume you needed to hit your goal, congratulate yourself! If you didn’t, identify at least one thing that did go right and might help you achieve
your goal in time. Always find something positive to end the day with. Before you leave, don’t forget to set up the next day or week! The last thing you want to do is use those very productive first minutes of the day doing anything but selling.
Focus Point
74. Remember, this is a marathon and not a sprint.
I know you're determined to stand out immediately from the rest of the pack and to make your mark in your industry. That's good, but be careful not to fall into
a trap. Achieving true success in an industry can take some time. You need to prepare yourself for the long haul in pursuing career growth, building your business and attracting new clients who will help you get where you want to go.
I encourage my clients to take many small steps that lead to where they want to go. See this endeavor as a journey that is not overnight but consists of "doable" components. That will help you develop qualities useful for the entire journey.
Continual positive steps bring us closer and closer to our expressed objectives. One such step is to include physical exercise - say, long-distance running or regular workouts at the club -- to build up not only your body but also your sense of discipline in
pursuit of a goal.